Wednesday, December 9, 2015

More ways to find me

I'm writing more than just this blog.  As a matter of fact, you've probably read something I've written and not even known it was from me; as a freelance writer, I spend a lot of time ghostwriting web content for others.

Now, though, it's time to branch out.  Here are some ways to find more from me:

  •  Have you checked out my column over on  I'm writing every weekday about consumer issues, how-tos, taste and product tests and just general tips for ways to enjoy life better, less expensively and with less stress. is a great website containing everything from hard-hitting news to celebrity and entertainment and everything in between.  Subscribe at the link above and never miss a day of ways to make your life better.
  • Grandma Adventures:  The first book in my "Grandma Adventures" series, called "Grandma's Alphabet" is available on in both e-book and paperback formats.  The Grandma Adventures website is now running a serialized version of my new "tweens" book, "Tracking the Elephant in the Room."  Every week, I'm posting the next chapter of the story of twins, Aggie and Abby MacEwan, as they solve the mystery of the missing Kalahari Elephant.
  • Business books and seminars:  I now have five business books available on, the latest of which is "Texts and Email Are Ruining My Life!"  And I'll be coming to a city or company near you during 2016, with Lunch & Learns about things like email management, time management and how to provide feedback to your team without conflict.  For more information about having me speak to your company, email me at and we'll get you all the information!
I'll continue to post here when something new comes up as well as my usual thoughts about what's going on in the world, so thank you for following me on this adventure!  I appreciate it more than you know.

Monday, November 30, 2015

New book available on!

The latest book in my "Grandma Adventures" series is now available on Amazon!  Called "Grandma's Alphabet," the book is designed to encourage communications between adults and children, especially older adults and grandparents.  For those without grandparents, it helps foster love for older ones by showing they can be fun, silly and full of laughter.

"Grandma Adventures" is a book series with three sections:

  • Early childhood:  Books will include alphabet, colors, animals, numbers and other primary learning tools for little ones.
  • Childhood:  Grandma Laurie will take older children on adventures by letting imagination turn a backyard into a safari, a kitchen into a restaurant and a bedroom into a scavenger hunt.
  • Pre-teens:  Follow the adventures of Aggie and Abby MacEwan, twins with a special knack for solving mysteries.  Written similar to the Nancy Drew Mysteries, these books will encourage reading for fun.
Join in the fun!  First, go to Grandma Adventures page for serialization of my new pre-teen book, "Tracking the Elephant in the Room," then go to Amazon and order a copy of one of my books, ranging from business books to children's books.

Thank you so much for your support!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

"Texts and Emails Are Ruining My Life!!!" Latest book is live!

Are you addicted to texts and email?  Does your family complain that you're spending more time looking at your phone than talking with them?  Do you take your phone into the bathroom so you can quickly reply to texts and email?

There are solutions to ridding yourself from these problems and they're addressed in my latest book:  "Texts and Emails Are Ruining My Life!"

One of the biggest problems with texting and emails is the fact that they are one-dimensional.  When you send a text or an email, the recipient can't see your face or body language, which can cause an issue if your language is misunderstood.  Sending what you think is funny may be offensive to someone else, especially if they can't hear your voice in their heads and know what you mean.

For example, a business man went to China for the first time, on business.  He had communicated with his Chinese counterparts by email to set up their meeting but had never spoken to them or met them in person.  He texted those he was supposed to meet and asked where they were to meet; he couched the language as a joke, one he and his friends would have understood and laughed.  Unfortunately, those he texted didn't get the joke and thought he was making fun of them.  Needless to say, the joke ultimately was on the American business man - he lost the account.

Could he have avoided the problem?  Certainly.  There are three questions to ask before sending a text:  Is it necessary?  Is it simple and understandable?  Can it be done better on the phone or in person?

Other topics covered include how to tell if you're addicted, text and email truths, getting yourself rebalanced and keeping up once you get there.

Get your copy of "Texts and Emails Are Ruining My Life!" at !!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Writing For My Life - New Book Announcements!

I haven't posted in a while, not because I have nothing to say, but because I have too much to say.  As a freelance writer, I spend most of my days writing for other people - putting their ideas and dreams into readable form.  And when you write for others, sometimes, your own thoughts get lost.

When my most recent contract ended, I was at a loss - what was I going to write today?  I had to look for more work, but while I was between gigs, I decided I would write - just write.  The result?  Two new books.

My best friend teases me all the time, that she's the brawn and I'm the brains of the operation.  She's a retired firefighter, now living in New York, working on a large volunteer construction project; I'm so proud of her.  I wish I had the talent or the health to be able to do what she does.  I can't lift, walk, stand or do anything that requires any physical strength.  I wouldn't have the first idea about driving a forklift, something at which she excels.  So I'm consigned to sit and write.

Julie laughed when I told her I was going to write a book while between jobs.  "I don't know anyone else who would just sit down and decide to write a book while trying to find work."  We're quite a pair.

Anyway, the result of this period of forced non-working is that I've written my second children's book, which will ultimately be part of a childrens' book series called, "The Grandma Adventures."  This book is "Grandma's Alphabet," a simple alphabet book for toddlers, designed to be read with an adult and encourages conversation.  My beta readers love it and I've started a Publishizer campaign to help raise money to have it professionally illustrated.  No one wants to see what my drawings might be.

The second book came as the result of a conversation about my email management book, "Help!  My Email Is Ruling My Life!"  The book was originally intended to help new managers get a grip on their email, which explodes when one goes from being managed to managing.  Things have changed so much just since the book was originally written in 2012, to the point where everyone needs help not just with email, but also with texting.  What is the etiquette of texting?  How many texts in a row are too many?  So I decided it was time to refocus my original book and go with something fit for anyone, not just those in business.  The title is still being worked out and beta readers have given us some really great feedback.

We'll post more as we get closer to publication.  In the meantime, thank you so much for your support.  Can't wait for everyone to see what's next!