Thursday, October 29, 2015

"Texts and Emails Are Ruining My Life!!!" Latest book is live!

Are you addicted to texts and email?  Does your family complain that you're spending more time looking at your phone than talking with them?  Do you take your phone into the bathroom so you can quickly reply to texts and email?

There are solutions to ridding yourself from these problems and they're addressed in my latest book:  "Texts and Emails Are Ruining My Life!"

One of the biggest problems with texting and emails is the fact that they are one-dimensional.  When you send a text or an email, the recipient can't see your face or body language, which can cause an issue if your language is misunderstood.  Sending what you think is funny may be offensive to someone else, especially if they can't hear your voice in their heads and know what you mean.

For example, a business man went to China for the first time, on business.  He had communicated with his Chinese counterparts by email to set up their meeting but had never spoken to them or met them in person.  He texted those he was supposed to meet and asked where they were to meet; he couched the language as a joke, one he and his friends would have understood and laughed.  Unfortunately, those he texted didn't get the joke and thought he was making fun of them.  Needless to say, the joke ultimately was on the American business man - he lost the account.

Could he have avoided the problem?  Certainly.  There are three questions to ask before sending a text:  Is it necessary?  Is it simple and understandable?  Can it be done better on the phone or in person?

Other topics covered include how to tell if you're addicted, text and email truths, getting yourself rebalanced and keeping up once you get there.

Get your copy of "Texts and Emails Are Ruining My Life!" at !!

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