Monday, July 7, 2014

Let's Begin Again

Welcome!  This blog is just me, espousing nonsense and my own ideas.  What follows is some background and ground rules.  If you're up for it, thanks for stopping by and by all means, read on.

What you'll find here:  First, a warning - this blog is going to be completely random.  There will be plenty of consumer advice, some about food, lots about Doctor Who and my cats, as well as non-descript stuff about being a grandma and a writer.

The opinions expressed here are mine alone.  They're not up for debate (so don't try to debate me).  They're not open for lengthy discussions (no, I'm not afraid of discussion, I mostly don't care).  If you're here to find something to be mad at me about - go away; there will be plenty of other opportunities elsewhere.  If you're here to read, read on.  If you're here to support or are looking for support - welcome.  If you're here for entertainment, I hope to supply that.  Otherwise, you're in the wrong place.

A little about me:  I've had several blogs around the Internets over the years - Lonely Gourmet, Lonestar Consumer, Biz Bootcamp.  I've worked on them diligently for a while and then, after a few months or a few years (depending on the subject), I've turned my back on them.  Why?  Because I got busy.

When I first started seriously blogging back in 2006, I was working for another company.  It was a rather soul-crushing experience, on call 24/7 managing 4000 medical transcriptionists all over the world.  I needed a creative outlet to really make a difference in someone's life and I think I did, first with consumer advice under Lonestar Consumer, and later with my food blog, Lonely Gourmet.  The result?  Five books published that ended up being very popular in Russia and Eastern Europe.

So I start again, under somewhat different circumstances.  I'm now a "real" writer.  After writing and publishing my books, I felt somewhat better about calling myself a writer but now, I'm actually, really, truly, a writer.  What am I writing?  Mostly articles for print magazines, blog posts for other people's blogs, ghostwriting books about internet programming, editing other people's books and having an absolute blast.

Because I've been writing so much for other people, I figured I didn't need that creative outlet any more, but I was wrong.

Lately, I've been participating in a writers' group and the experience has been really awesome.  I realized I still didn't have a place I could write about anything, without purpose.  The food blog had to be about food.  The consumer blog had to be about consumer advice.  Now, it's time to have a blog about nothing - a Jerry Seinfeld-type blog.

All that being said -- let's get started!

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